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Without our Industrial Partners, Newcastle Racing would not be able to operate; designing and manufacturing cars to the highest of standards. Our partners help with all aspects of running the team, including but not limited to: printing, machining, supply of products, discounts, financial aid and technical advice.

Dependent on the partner's level of involvement, in return the partner's logo can feature on the car, team wear and around the paddock. Partners will also have access to the team and car for networking and promotional events. Additionally, access to our high achieving undergraduates and graduates as well as contact with other Newcastle Racing partners will be facilitated.

Below is a list of our current partners, if you would like to find out more about what is involved in being a Newcastle Racing partner please click below to view our 2023-24 partnership prospectus.

Gold Partners


Johnsons Laboratory Logistics is a trusted laboratory relocation company with more than 30 years of specific experience. Johnsons knows how difficult transferring valuable data, chemicals and specialist equipment can be and makes the process seamless. With a focus on ease and providing the best services possible Johnsons can help with a range of laboratory and engineering relocation needs, on a scale ranging from bench-to-bench moves to global logistics. We are very thankful for their support and will use their partnership to help with the production of new parts to propel research and building of the NR14 and subsequent cars. With this funding we hope to progress further in the competition and aid future teams. We are also excited to share values in sustainability as Johnsons commit to carbon neutrality in their work. Click on the logo to visit Johnsons and read more. Thank you, Johnsons


Silver Partners

Laser Lines

Based in Banbury, Laser Lines is one of the UK's leading companies for Additive Manufacturing and suppliers of 3D printers among a host of other cool tech they have granted us access to. This allows us to expand our horizons by enabling us to design components using new materials, with different manufacturing processes, that otherwise wouldn't be possible. The ability to 'tune' material properties for each component, be it of strength and mass, or fire-retardant qualities (just to name a couple), has proven very useful this year, with some components being re-manufactured for the car. We are currently researching how else to use this technology, with many more components being redesigned from the ground up for successive cars. 
Click on the logo to visit Laser Lines and read more.
Thank you Laserlines.

Bronze Partners



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